When ReserveApp URLs are shared on X, Telegram, Discord or other social media platforms, the links provide an embed that is generic to the whole site (see attached example). This is a missed opportunity for delightful, attractive graphical embeds to help tell the Reserve story across social media platforms. For example, sharing the ETH+ page on social media could provide an attractive description and graphic of ETH+. Currently the OpenGraph link is generic to Register and tell the social media surfer nothing about ETH+. https://app.reserve.org/ethereum/token/0xe72b141df173b999ae7c1adcbf60cc9833ce56a8/overview For second example, sharing a governance IP on X, Discord or Telegram, does not tell the social media surfer enticing information to cause them to click the link. https://app.reserve.org/ethereum/token/0x0d86883faf4ffd7aeb116390af37746f45b6f378/governance/proposal/48869674744031839643632304012184618758235388905692489276223748689587069502542 As target example, I have attached the OpenGraph embed for GloDollar. This attractive link helps interrupt social media surfers, to bring them into an ecosystem. Request: Could ReserveApp pages have relevant OpenGraph embeds to improve discovery and engagement on social media and messaging platforms?