Hey Reserve team!
I am Anze, a BD from Connext.
Connext is an intent-based interoperability protocol, currently, deployed on 10 chains but scaling up to 50 this year, we are strongly focused on security, extreme trust in the protocol, and abstracting the idea of chains and uniting liquidity across multiple chains with the help of our chain abstraction toolkit and new open-sourced cross-chain token XERC20.
And some stats to give you an idea, we did 1b$ of volume last month, and currently, we have around 900M TVL across the supported chains.
I’d especially like to talk to you about the open-source cross-chain token xERC20 that can be bridged to various chains without slippage plus you can work with several bridges meaning you are not stuck with only one, making it more secure.
And second, about Chain Abstraction, basically making your dapp usable to users across any chain using any token
My TG Handle: @svarun13